Dimension enables you to communicate with your team in real-time using powerful messaging features.


Send messages

  • Use the Enter to send a message.

  • Shift + Enter to create a new line without sending the message.

You can send a message to a channel by typing a message in the message input field and pressing the Enter key.

This will send the message to all the users in the channel and will attempt to notify them of the message (depending on their notification settings).

For multi-line messages, you can use the Shift + Enter key combination to create a new line without sending the message.

Reply to messages

Hover over or select a message and hit the R key to reply to the message.

You can reply to a message by hovering over or selecting a message and clicking the reply icon.

This will open a reply input field where you can type your reply.

Edit messages

Hover over or select a message and hit the E key to edit the message.

You can edit a message by hovering over or selecting a message and clicking the edit icon.

This will open an edit input field where you can edit the message.

Delete messages

Hover over or select a message and hit the D key to delete the message.

You can delete a message by hovering over or selecting a message and clicking the delete icon.

This will delete the message from the channel - be aware that your message may have already been read by other users.

Mention users

Type the @ symbol followed by the name of the user you want to mention.

You can mention a user by typing the @ symbol followed by the name of the user you want to mention.

This will notify the user of the message and will attempt to notify them of the message (depending on their notification settings).

Send emojis

Type the : symbol followed by the name of the emoji you want to send.

You can send an emoji by typing the : symbol followed by the name of the emoji you want to send.

This will send the emoji in the message. You can also use the emoji picker to send emojis.

Send gifs

Type the /giphy command followed by the name of the gif you want to send.

You can send a gif by typing the /giphy command followed by the name of the gif you want to send. This will send the gif in the message.

You can also use the GIF picker to send gifs.

Send files

You can send files to your team by dragging and dropping a file into the message input field. This will upload the file to the channel.

You can also use the + icon to upload a file to the channel.

Send code snippets

Inline Code

Type the ` symbol followed by the code you want to send.

You can send inline code by typing the ` symbol followed by the code you want to send. Close the inline code by typing the ` symbol again.

Code Blocks

Type the ``` symbol followed by the code you want to send.

You can send code blocks by typing the ``` symbol followed by the code you want to send. Close the code block by typing the ``` symbol again.

After typing the ``` symbol, you can also specify the language of the code block - note that Dimension will attempt to automatically detect the language of the code block if not explicitly specified.

You can specify the language for the a code block like so: ```js - this will highlight the code block with the JavaScript language.

You can send links to your team by typing or pasting the link in the message input field. Dimension will automatically detect the link and will display a preview of the link when possible.

Dimension can generate more powerful previews for all supported integrations. You can learn more about integrations here.