You will get a chat with every team member in your organization out of the box. You can create additional channels to communicate with specific groups of people.

Create your first group channel

You can use a keyboard combination of G + C to open the chat tab.

First, navigate to the Chat tab by clicking on the chat icon in the sidebar.

Create a new channel

Click on the + icon the top left corner of the chat tab to create a new channel.

Select a channel name

Use a name that is short and descriptive - this will help you identify your channel if you need to.

Enter a name for your channel on the modal that appears.

Enter a channel description

Use a description that will help others understand the purpose of the channel.

Enter a description for your channel on the modal that appears.

Then, press the Enter key or click on the Next button to continue.

Select channel members

There is no limit to the number of members you can add to a channel.

Select the members you want to add to your channel.

Select integrations

Select the integrations you want to add to your channel - this will allow you to connect the tools you use to your channel.

You can learn more about integrations here.

Once you’ve selected the members you want to add to your channel, press the Enter key or click on the Create button to continue.

That’s it! You’ve successfully created a group chat with your team.